Pitching for the top jobs

The art of the executive resume

If you’re going for a senior position, you’ll need an exceptional resume that demonstrates you are a unique and expert candidate, an innovative thinker and a resilient leader.

Executive resumes detail your unique ability to lead an organisation, along with any board memberships, international ventures and organisational partnerships.

Executive resume do’s

Keep it succinct and tailor your resume for every role you apply for.

Be specific about your experience and achievements.

Highlight the most recent, influential and successful projects you’ve worked on.

Use dollar values and statistics to demonstrate your successes.

Include any boards, start-ups or organisations you are a member of.

Show that you’ve done extensive research about the company or organisation you want to work for.

Check spelling and grammar before submitting.

Executive resume don’ts

Don’t use company-specific language or terminology. Use what is understood at an industry level.

Don’t use outdated or unprofessional referee details. Use your strongest contacts.

Don’t cite any irrelevant jobs and don’t repeat information.

Put your best foot forward

Malcolm builds expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.