Top job boards for professional job hunters

Most of our clients at Republic Resumes are looking for a new job. The first place to look is online job boards. Here are some inside tips on how to find and use the top three job boards: Seek, JobSearch and CareerOne.


Seek is one of the most popular online job boards in Australia. About 70 per cent of jobs across the nation are listed on Seek. If you go to you’ll see a banner saying ‘Job Search’. There’s other stuff there where you can upload your resume (Profile), a section called Career Advice and Company Reviews.

Seek tries to make it easy to browse by classifying jobs into general headings. If you pull down the tag on the ‘Any Classification’ box, you’ll see where all the administration jobs are in Community Services, Call Centre and Customer Service and more. Cool, eh?


JobSearch is the Australian Government’s job board and it has tens of thousands of jobs. Employers all over Australia post jobs here. It’s almost as big as Seek. The cool thing about JobSearch is that it collects heaps of jobs from other job boards and posts them here.

The job search function is like Seek’s. But you can refine your search by ticking the box to ‘Exclude Commission Jobs’ (usually sales work) and ‘Business Opportunities/Self Employment Jobs’. That saves you time from looking at jobs that might not interest you.


CareerOne is a large online jobs board which like JobSearch, has heaps of information about job hunting and career advice.

A lot of businesses list in both Seek and CareerOne because they have a big readership.

Searching for jobs using CareerOne isn’t as easy as in Seek or JobSearch because there’s no box for the name of the job you’re looking for. It’s in, ‘Search by job title, occupation or keyword’.


When you’re looking for a job, search all three job boards. The reason is some employers only have contracts with Seek or CareerOne. By using all three job boards, you’ll know where the jobs are in Adelaide, Wollongong, Illawarra, New South Wales and across Australia.


Put your best foot forward

Malcolm builds expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.