Job vacancies are high

Start applying for Adelaide jobs now

Now is a very good time to get that resume out in to the Adelaide job market.

When employers have difficulty finding workers to hire, job vacancies stay unfilled longer and the vacancy rate increases. But keep in mind, many of these jobs are casual and in hospitality.

The record job vacancy rate is due to the impact of COVID-19. Shutdowns have brought rapid job losses, which have then been regained almost as quickly (sort of).

Whenever there is major turmoil in the job market, it’s time for job seekers to get aggressive and attack with a professional resume and cover letter.

Limits on international migration such as international students and working holiday makers, have contributed to labour shortages too.

At the last census (in 2016), the jobs most reliant on temporary migrants were hospitality (18.3%), food trades and preparation (20.4%) and cleaning and laundry (19.3%).

OK. So that’s not CEO or managerial positions but when there is major change, there are always opportunities and often there is movement of senior staff.

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